
The things you see in traffic…

… and *sigh*


Reckless driving

Dashcam footage of reckless driving

Compilation of the things I’ve seen in traffic: Summer 2015

Close call on the N42

In just one drive…

Last week while I was driving home from our Hasselt office, I saw so many plonkers on the road, you wouldn’t believe it!

  • Someone forgot where their brakes were.
  • Then someone so obviously wanted to cut me off, I had to let him do it.
  • A guy was driving perfectly smooth, until he had to take an exit…
  • Then I met the King of Middle-Lane
  • After that I met a dangerously distracted madame
  • to finish with a surprised couple trying to cross the street…

Driving at night…

When travelling to the UK, I prefer to drive at night. Mainly because there’s hardly any congestion, but as you can see in this tiny compilation driving at night is also a guarantee for enjoyment on the road… 🙂

  1. The Right Lane Hugger
    I think he was occupied with his mobile. Or he was falling asleep. Anyway, he had no business in that lane, but he stuck with it. Even after undertaking him, he slowly vanished from my rear view mirror field of view, being taken under by at least another dozen cars. Not safe.
  2. The Police over taker
    Whilst driving the limit (70mph/112km/h) I was overtaken by a BMW, which seemed to ignore the fact that a marked police car was also on the road with us. After overtaking the police car the BMW got flashed at and sent back to where he belonged; the middle lane, driving (under or on) the limit.
  3. The Startled Wife
    This one could have been called the Weaving Lorry, but it is one of those examples of where the wife scares you more than the actual traffic situation. A lorry was slowly weaving out of his lane, but I was fully aware of it. The misses, who was half asleep, suddenly woke up, saw the situation, and did a “whoooo!” which of course in turn startled me so I broke. I muted the sound on that moment because of obvious reasons. 🙂
  4. The A1(M) Runner
    I don’t think it’s legal to run on motorways. But he was doing it. Can you spot him? (I did, in time, I couldn’t believe what I saw). It was 3 AM, mind you! What was he doing there?!

I’m the invisible man…

Or the guy in the blue car just decided to completely ignore me.

I didn’t expect him to just continue onto the roundabout in front of me, so I honked. Beep!

Am I mistaking? I thought I had right of way on a roundabout?

Please Mr. Postman

The last couple of days there’s been some (well… quite a lot of) criticism on the behavior of postman in traffic.  Well I can confirm that’s not coming out of the blue… I’ve noticed that personally as well the last years.

They (Some of them, of course) drive (with their cars) on the bike- and footpaths, don’t even get out of their vehicle to put the mail in the letterboxes, drive in the opposite direction…

… And yesterday one just pulled out, after having parked in offence with road traffic law, onto the road in front of me.  (In Belgium, on a two-way road you are not allowed to park facing the opposite direction).  Mind you, this is a 70km/h road…

I think, but that’s only my humble opinion of course , this postman should’ve just checked his mirrors, and have waited for me to pass by.  Instead he pulled out, forcing me to slow down, and then just pulled over again, to the right side this time, forcing me to slow down further, and overtake him…

Why would you be reckless like that?

It was a rainy day today.

On rainy days, sensible people are more careful in traffic.

That’s right.  Sensible people.

Not the one in the blue car, who just recklessly veered onto the motorway before she was supposed to, scaring the living daylights out of an oncoming truck driver.  And me.  Stupid woman.

She did another silly thing 10 minutes later.  But that’s for another video.

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